And, of course, there's a casting call right here in Boston! Yes, Boston Casting is seeking contestants for a new Spike TV reality show called, with coy asterisks that I choose to ignore, "America's Biggest A**hole." The pitch asks if you irritate perfect strangers, are quick on your feet, like practical jokes. "EVEN THOUGH SOME PEOPLE THINK YOU ARE HYSTERICAL, DO YOU HAPPEN TO PISS A LOT OF PEOPLE OFF?" If so, you can attend the open call at Boston Casting, 129 Braintree St., on July 13, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., or at Red Sky, Faneuil Hall, on July 15, 6-9 p.m. They had to have one in a bar, of course, because some people just don't become raging assholes until they've had a few drinks. And if neither of those times are convenient for you, asshole, e-mail a photo, contact information and a few lines about why you should be on the show to [email protected]. It's 18+. Googling for show information, I came across a lot of posts about Rush Limbaugh and Mitt Romney, and also a funny post from this weekend describing how some poor young woman was trying to recruit assholes for the show in the parking lot before a baseball game in Chicago.
Silly me ... I just assumed this was another commentary on the Michael Jackson coverage! Oops!
Posted by: Brion O'Connor | July 01, 2009 at 08:10 AM
You seem to have got the niche from the root, Awesome work
Posted by: watch lost | October 30, 2009 at 07:55 AM