A slightly edited compilation of my tweets and snap judgments from this morning's festivities at the Museum of Fine Arts:
- At #mfa for the grand opening. Courtyard's beautiful (below) and full of old money, crowd 300+. Surprisingly Spartan repast.
- Outside of new wing matches rest of building too well. Expected more.
- Courtyard a gorgeous glass box. Two big sculptures the only art.
- VIPs inc. Sen. Scott Brown, Cardinal O'Malley, a Lord and three Honorables. Guess which one people are taking snaps of
- Guy behind me loaned Tiffany vases to #mfa. Guy in front of me wearing antique toupee.
- Trumpet fanfare. Seriously.
- MFA Director Malcolm Rogers welcomes us to "a truly momentous occasion"
- Architect Lord Foster talking "bold strategy." Podium all men over 40, 6 of 7 white. Just sayin'
- Correction: One woman to speak, president of trustees. podium blocked my view.
- 5,000 more items on display in new galleries - Malcolm
- Scott Brown begins with rousing call for you to get down and see it.
- Rep. Capuano begins saying not here to celebrate bldg, talks about old class resentment. Says Malcolm has taken down "you're not welcome" sign
- Mayor Menino: Mike Capuano, thanks for stealing my speech
- Nov. 20 will be free community day at the #mfa
- Rev. Peter Gomes benediction and now ... Open sesame
- Architecture not likely to inspire passions either way like ICA. Basically a series of boxes.
- But the rooms are wonderfully assembled, great paintings everywhere, wall coverings and furniture where appropriate
- First thing you see is a Paul Revere Liberty bowl in front of Copley's Revere portrait
- Sargent gallery with Daughters/Boit and the actual vases from the picture
- Copley's Watson + shark, Stuart's George + Martha, Hassam's Boston Common
- Red-walled Vinik gallery (above) does the 1800s salon thing with floor to ceiling paintings
- Other end of spectrum: 20th century floor (below) inc. room with O'Keefe, Sheeler, Calder all cool greasy with a big tablet computer in the middle
- Clarification: 20th century room all cool GREYS, not greasy
- My #mfa contribution today: spotting mixed up labels on National resonator and lap steel guitars in 1930s gallery
- Never expected: amazing deco bowl by Viktor Schreckengost, never heard of him.
- Whiff of curatorial condescension? Rockwell, Wyeth together in a corner.
- Summing up, building seems functional and unshowy, gallery design terrific. Probably the right mix, 11 years in making.
(Photos all via the MFA. Top: Ruth and Carl J. Shapiro Family Courtyard © Chuck Choi. Middle: Penny and Jeff Vinik Gallery / The Salon: Americans Abroad in the 19th Century © Chuck Choi. Bottom: Saundra B. and William H. Lane Galleries / Abstraction: 1940-1970 © Chuck Choi.)
Thanks for the updates Joel. Have you seen the new site? When I saw this headline, I thought you might be talking about the new Buzz feature my agency, Genuine Interactive, included in the new site.
Posted by: Chad Capellman | November 12, 2010 at 06:46 PM